
Reclaim Your Focus: Tips To Establish Tech Boundaries for Unstoppable Productivity

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Jordyn Witko
 author / founder / CEO

As a creative entrepreneur, I know first hand how lonely and challenging starting a business can be with minimal resources, guidance and community. I was desperate to connect with like-minded females, and discover time-saving productivity hacks, and mindset / routine tips of other successful business owners, so I created Boss Girls Society, focused on sharing proven tips, tools and templates to help you build, launch and scale your own empire, along with a free online community.


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In an age defined by constant connectivity, maintaining focus and avoiding distractions can be a challenge. The pings of notifications, the allure of endless scrolling, and the influence others can have on our emotions and mood can hinder productivity. But here’s the solution: setting tech boundaries.

Read on for my favorite strategies that can help you regain control over your digital life, boost productivity, and enhance overall mental health, so you can crush your to-do list.

Use focus mode to customize your phone’s home screen

Set specific apps to your home screen with iPhone’s focus mode so you only see the apps you need during times that you set. This setting is super useful because you can choose a schedule that turns this feature on automatically during certain times or days of the week. This helps limit distractions if you have to look at your device.

Schedule tech-free time into your day

Designate areas of your home, or times of the day where you can set your devices down. For example, for an hour in the morning or before bed, or during meals. Curate a cozy space intended only for relaxation, meditation, journaling or reading, or a bright, clutter-free and distraction-free office for purposeful work.

Turn on DND

With this small change, you create a conducive environment for concentration, allowing your mind to delve deep into tasks without the constant interruption of your screen lighting up and the temptation to tend to each notification.

Incorporate tech-free activities into your daily routine

Going for a walk, meditating, reading a book, or other hobbies you enjoy that don’t require technology. Giving your mind a mental break from the constant overwhelm of tech will help you recharge throughout the day, giving you more energy, clarity and a mood boost.

Start your morning in silence + without screens

The power of a good morning routine, especially one with no digital distractions can do wonders for your mood and focus for the rest of your day. Check out my morning routine that always guarantees me a productive day.

Curate your social media feeds

Unfollow or mute accounts that aren’t serving you. Social media can be a double-edged sword, offering connection but often presenting a barrage of content that might not align with your values and bring you down. Your digital environment should be a source of motivation and positivity, filled with content that inspires, educates, and uplifts. Taking charge of who you follow is a powerful step towards maintaining your mental and emotional wellbeing.

Delete unnecessary apps + Disable notifications

By purging certain apps, it helps set boundaries for the amount of time you spend on certain platforms. For example you could delete Gmail or Facebook and only look at them when you are on a desktop computer, which is likely less often than the amount of time you’re on your phone. You can also disable unnecessary notifications for certain apps that disrupt your focus too frequently.

By incorporating digital balance, we can reclaim our focus and time, and be intentional with our goals and what truly matters. I hope you found these tips useful so that you can easily apply them to your everyday life.

xx, Jordyn

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